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5 - Five Months Baby Development

Baby Weight & Height

At over 20 weeks old, your baby should be very active, and will be displaying some more development in his or her unique personality. You'll notice a lot more physical movement, actions, and even some babbling by your 5 months old child. An average week 20 baby will weigh around 14.5 to 15 pounds, and measure 25 to 25.5 inches. This is indeed an exciting time for all parents as their baby grow and develop, and they begin to discover new things about their baby and his or her development. Some parents may become aware around this time that their baby knows what he or she likes and dislikes, and will have their unique ways to communicate to you what they dislike!

Pay close attention to your baby's body language, and you'll learn a lot about your baby. Often times, you can tell a lot about what your baby is feeling, what your baby likes or dislikes, and that your baby is happy or angry. As your baby grows, these types of emotions and feeling also become more apparent and easily noticeable with their facial expressions. Below, we list some of the typical milestones you'll see.

Physical Development

  • Your baby grabs on to toes and feet
  • Has much better motor controls and is now able to reach for objects with very good aim
  • With better aim and reach, your baby is also able to transfer objects from one hand to the other
  • You baby may also be able to wiggle forward on the floor, and also roll over from front to back

5 Months Social and Emotional

  • A baby at 5 months old is attracted by sounds and voices, and will turn their head toward the speaker
  • As you engage in conversation with your baby, he or she will pay attention and watch your lips and your mouth movements
  • He or she will show interest in colors and colorful objects
  • As your baby grows, their personality becomes more apparent, and they begin to know what they like and dislike, and will push away disliked actions

Language Development at Five Months Old

  • As your baby pays close attention to your mouth movements, he or she may try to mimic sounds
  • Your baby may have discovered how to squeal
  • He or she is very interested in the sounds the parents make
  • Your baby begins to babble (such as "ba ba" sounds)

At this time, your baby is very interested in all types of sights and sounds, especially the sounds of the parents' voices. They love to hear you talk and sing to them, and read books to them. Listening and being spoken to is a critical process in the growth and development of babies. Spend time with your child, and shower them with love, affection, and a lot of cuddling and hugging time. Did you know that children who grow up in sensually rich environments and within meaningful relationships develop bigger brains than children who are raised in sensually deprived environments? There are studies done on over 1,000 abused and neglected children which found that these unfortunate children who were rarely touched or spoken to had brains that were 20% to 30% smaller than children who grow up in a healthy and loving environment.

Interact with your baby and don't fret if your baby doesn't respond to you all the time. They are learning and discovering new things all the time, and all you need to do is engage them. Did you know that touch is a critical part of development? Touch is the first sensory experience of how the baby first knows he or she is loved and cared for. Babies who are massaged often develop movement earlier, sleep better, and have less colic. [1] Regardless of the many benefits for your baby, just think who could resist loving, kissing, and hugging a super cute baby!

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1. http://www.educarer.com/brain.htm

Baby & Toddler Videos

Toddler Reading Video
Watch a 2 year old toddler read, and see how this child's reading skill develops at 3 and 4 years old.