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2 Weeks Baby Development

What to Expect for a Baby at 2 Weeks Old?

So your newborn baby is now two weeks old. What a joyous time! Or should I say stressful and very much sleep deprived? =) Not to worry, things only gets easier as your baby grows and develops. I'm sure the first few weeks with your new baby has brought you a new found joy in your lives along with a new dimension of worry, stress, and fatigue, and this is true for both the dad and the mom; however, in most cases, it's the mother that takes the brunt of the work during these early days - having to wake up multiple times during the night to nurse the newborn. At the same time, life isn't exactly easy for new dads either. It's truly a whole new learning experience for both new parents.

our 2 week old daughterBy this time, your child should have gained back the weight that was initially lost during the first few days after birth, and during this second week, they may go through one of their first growth spurts. At the same time, your baby could also become more demanding, but even more cute and more adorable. If you find that your baby is demanding to be constantly fed, then he or she may be going through a growth spurt during this second week of development. As well, by this time, if you have chosen to breastfeed your baby (highly recommended), your milk production should also have kicked into high gear. You need to ensure that you're consuming enough liquids and nutrition to support your milk production.

During this second week, your baby will become better at feeding and will demand more of your time and attention. You'll be please to see that all your hard work and time spent nursing the newborn is paying off, your baby is gaining weight at a healthy rate, and their tiny body is now showing some first signs of those cute "baby rolls".

2 Weeks Old Baby Development

Even as your newborn baby becomes better at feeding, he or she may also become better at crying, and crying with a much stronger voice. Sometimes, crying babies can lead to certain levels of frustration with new parents, and this is understandable. At just two weeks old, the only means a baby has for communication is crying. They communicate their needs by crying, and will stop crying once those needs are met. For example, they could be hungry, or have a dirty diaper, or just need some loving and cuddling from a parent.

While most babies stop crying after their needs are met, a certain small percentage (around 15%) will have much longer crying fits, and can last for several hours, and no matter what you do, you just can't help. This is known as colic, and can start around the two to three week mark, and generally last until 3 months.

When your baby cries unstoppably, it's heartbreaking and also nerve wracking. It's not known exactly what causes colic, but if your baby happen to cry non-stop for prolonged periods, try to make things as comfortable as possible for your baby. Hold him or her close to you, hum or sing a song, have some light background noise running, or gently whisper to your baby. Whatever you do, never shake your baby. If you get frustrated, ask your partner to takeover for awhile so that you can have a break and relax a bit. Taking turns will make it easier to get through for both of you. During times when I was unable to calm down our babies, my husband always came at opportune times and took over, and this has always been a great help for me.

Aside from crying and feeding for a baby at 2 weeks of age, you'll notice that your newborn is also developing slightly more muscle control, and is looking fuller and more plump. You'll also notice that your baby now have brief periods of quiet awake time, looking at you and the world around them with curiosity. This is a fantastic time for bonding with your child. Talk to, sing to, and read to your baby at times like these. Very soft and gentle massages are also recommended. Your baby's umbilical stump may also fall off during this 2nd week. The average time for most babies is between 1 to 3 weeks for the umbilical stump to drop off.

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